Sunday, April 18, 2010

One More Week for Tim Burton at MOMA

Can't see! CAN'T SEE! But ya only got one more week to see the Tim Burton exhibit at MOMA. If you haven't gone, GO. If you have gone, GO AGAIN. I didn't realize Burton started creating basically, oh, from birth.
Burton's Stain Boy cartoons are awesome and his drawings and poems are pretty darn good as well. Kinda cool to see the little puppets that are Jack and the Corpse Bride. And if that Edward Scissorhands costume was really worn by Johnny Depp, he's kinda, um, well, he's pretty damn short.
He also worked for Disney. But I guess their sunny plan didn't jive with his dark light so he didn't last their that long. There's this Hansel and Gretel show at the exhibit that he did for Disney which was only shown ONCE on TV in the 80's or 90's. (Sorry don't remember when that was. Burton overload.) ;-) Just go!


  1. When Susan and I were at MOMA we didn't make it to the Burton. A pity, especially after reading this.

  2. It was a really good exhibit. Schade!
