Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Calamity Janes Were Awesome

So I went down to Banjo Jim's last nite and saw the Calamity Jane's. It was wierd going down to Avenue C because I remember way back when you never went past A. There was one bar on B that we used to go to. Don't know the name but we called it the Crocodile Dundee bar 'cause that's where they filmed one of the scenes in the movie. But that place was IT. It was just too darn scary and dangerous to troll around past A. One time Lisa and I were going to the Croc bar and I had a car for some reason and we couldn't find parking so we started to head over to C. I stopped at a red light and all these homeless looking people started to converge on the car like something out of Dawn of the Dead. FREAKY! I remember Lisa saying "Go!" and I said, "But it's a red light." DOH! Anyway, needless to say I blew throught the red light and we got the H.E.Double Hockey Sticks out of there.

All that aside, the band was awesome. Really fine music although some 0f the singing seemed to be a bit off, but who cares! Banjo Jim's is a funky place. Kind of reminds me of a college bar in some hick town. But the music's cool as are the people.

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